There it is in black and white. "...analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling." A mathematician knows this. A statistician knows this. The problem is that much of the public don't seem to understand this.
Here are a few interesting statistics to discuss before your next bike ride...
- The average person eats 8 spiders while asleep in their lifetime.
- Women over 35 have a .5% chance of getting married.
- About 11 percent of young citizens of the U.S. couldn't even locate the U.S. on a map.
- One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth.
These are all bad or misrepresented statistics. Here is a good motorcycle statistic for you: "Since 1997 motorcycle rider fatalities have increased by 89 percent from 2,116 to 4,008 in 2004." Sobering, yes. But for myself, it begs the question why? Is it lack of training? More squids on the road? Inattentive car and truck drivers? Increase in speed limits? Larger moto engine sizes? You can read for yourself here: if you like.
But really, statistics can be used or misused. When implemented properly, they can be used to bring to light real world problems. Unfortunately, there are those who would dissect these statistics and turn them against those trying to do good.
A good example are the statistics publicized by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. You see, this morning I started to do some research on using Google or Yahoo groups to open an e-mail discussion group for my little October ride. What did I find? I found some good links and a few groups, but predominantly what I saw turned my stomach. It seems there are those that would rather pick apart statements and statistics in an effort to discredit the work of a valid organization.
Questioning statistics is one thing. Questioning an organization's intentions is valid as well. Picking apart and criticizing valid statistics that follow the scientific method in an effort to belittle a real life problem is abhorrent.
Whether you eat 20 spiders or 2, the statistic is still valid.
Whether you use one definition of abuse or another, it does not minimize the problem. Pardon my language, but why don't these people quit their bitching and do something to solve the problem. Tweeking a number may make things look better but does nothing to help the woman or man down the street that was just hit in the eye by an intimate partner.