Riding 5800 miles gives one a bit of time to think about things. Mine wandered between such topics as farming, motorcycle riding, sailing, weather, hiking, camping, moving out of Nevada, my divorce, future relationships, sex (or lack thereof), family, writing, art, stupidity, friendship, and a host of other things. I distinctly remember while riding through Ohio, dirty limericks accompanied, tickling my proverbial 'funny bone.' Routinely my mind wondered, "Would Isaac Asimov like that one?"
As varied and sometimes abstract my thinking was at times, it always seemed to return to the lowest possible energy level. Something all these thoughts were built upon was simplicity, quiescence, sustainability. This transition and commonality was not noticed until Iowa. It was not a 'light bulb' moment, rather like a light gauze curtain waving aside to reveal something that could be seen but not recognized.
Why Iowa? After riding through a small town somewhere east of Shenendoah, IA I passed an Amish gentleman about my age driving a small team of horses hooked to a wagon. I waved out of respect, not expecting nor looking for one in return. Then the curtain waved aside. All thoughts and concepts are based on a foundation of simplicity and sustainability. Reaching concepts are good if they all use the same foundation of simplicity.
Days earlier, stopping in Salina, Utah I met a couple on a large Kawasaki cruiser. They were having trouble and I offered any assistance I could. Apparently the bike's security fob, a little black piece of plastic with a transmitter that allowed the bike's engine to start and run, had drained it's battery. There, at that little gas station in the Utah desert, a $14,000 motorcycle and two humans were stranded because a one dollar battery was dead.
The husband did manage to locate a battery in the small town and they were safely on their way. I looked at my own motorcycle. It is simple. No computer. No security fob. Just a few practical frills. Even if the main battery were completely dead I could push start her. Yes, she is simple. I like her that way.