I am back in Las Vegas! Total mileage is 5,836 miles in 21 days. That's an average of nearly 278 miles per day. If I take into account the idle day at my Mom's in Illinois and the three days I spent in North Carolina doing nothing, that's 365 miles per day.
As I prepared to leave Gallup, NM there was an odd sense of melancholy about. For the past nearly three weeks my life has for the most part been on my bike. It is about to be over. Back to the same life, the same job, the same simple commute.
That melancholy was quickly quieted to a mumble. Those may be the same things, but the same person is not returning to them. I had undergone a tangible change, for better or worse. This may be the same flesh and bone body returning but the soul had changed.
With that knowledge and a prescription by a great, well experienced rider to start planning my next ride upon my return, that melancholy was completely squelched. The silence on my last day was beautiful.
Honestly, there is so much to write about, I am not sure where to start. Perhaps tomorrow some words shall come.
Soliciting Feedback on Radio Call at NTA
1 day ago
Welcome back and congratulations!
Welcome back, Ken! Really enjoyed tracking you until the GPS went out (or was it the radio). Look forward to reading about the adventure.
Thanks, guys. Ya, I did a crappy job extending the 12V out of my battery and the insulation rubbed off the wire, causing enough of an intermittent short to the GPS. It was just enough to cause a voltage drop, causing the GPS to shut down. The radio had its own battery so it ignored the voltage drops.
And to make things more confusing on the road, the short was so short-term that the fuse never blew.
I received quite a few comments about my tracker page. Several people were concerned when the signal stopped in Colorado!
Next time, my wiring will be much more robust. And... if I end up where I may, the radio may need to be a bit more powerful. Some evil plans are underway. hehehe.
Oh, Doug, I rode through some of your great state and all I have to say is, DANG! How beautiful!
Welcome Home and Bravo on the accomplishment
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