Yes, this is a sad day. Due to the actions of the administration on
www.drirene.com , I can no longer promote nor recommend that site.
Several associates of mine were banned from that site recently. I have had close friends and even family banned from sites before, but not this site. This site was special.
Last night I wrote a scathing letter to the administration of that site, but decided to do what was prudent in these situations; let it rest; think it over; step back to a distance where there is some objectivity.
I did, and decided early this morning to save my comments in the
Never Sent folder on my laptop. The events of this morning on that website went far beyond what my saved comments could even touch.
You see, the operator of this site posted an email from a disgruntled site member. That is not the heinous part. You may or may not know, but people in abusive situations rely on anonymity to receive help. This is their buffer zone; their full face helmet and Kevlar, if you will.
Security, privacy and anonymity is a key aspect to an abused person asking for and receiving help. It not only provides peace of mind, but also protects the abused from the abuser, should the abuser try to stalk them. In some sad situations, this anonymity is the only thing that protects the abused from bodily harm.
Along with the e-mail, the operator posted the author's full name, private e-mail address AND referred to the author using their PRIVATE, ANONYMOUS username. Then, the operator made a remark about the author's peers seeing what she had written.
That was it for me. I wish them well, but can no longer recommend that site.
The things I write about, above, are not conjecture, word of mouth, or rumor. It is true. It is sad. I saved the pages. If you are in an abusive situation, please Google "Verbal abuse", "Emotional Abuse" or "Physical Abuse." I am currently working on a resource page to share.
Ride safe, all.