Early last week my ex asked me to come over and help her with the cat. He is getting a bit old and has a cone around his head so he doesn't lick a nasty raw spot on his tail. She just needed someone to hold him while she dressed the raw spot. No problems.
I go over and help. With the cat now roaming around the apartment all pissed-off, I walk into the bathroom to use the facilities before leaving.
When I walked out to leave, this is what I saw. Well, rather similar anyway. Imagine the left side of this prism only, in your far left peripheral field of vision. The shimmering colors seem to radiate from a point equidistant from the ends, where it resembles a bright flashlight being shown through a fan.
Officially this was something called an Optical Migraine. Generally it is the presentation of symptoms related to a migraine, without the severe pain. Since then, there has been a dragging, dull, 'dry' headache in the back of my skull, difficulty sleeping and a bit of depression. Nothing to worry about right now, as allergy season is starting to kick off here.
If this headache is still going on in a week, I am to go back and see my Dr. again. Where did I put that Ibuprofen?.....
Hope you get rid of the headache Razor.
I had a lot of stress just a couple years ago from goings on around here. Scary as hell was when I went outside for a calm down smoke I went momentarily blind in my right eye then had a stabbing headache. Scared the crap outta me.
Dam man...never heardof that before.Hope you get to feeling better.
Big Al
hmmm, is this a physical hint in the moment to deeper stress? take care of yourself razor.
I had one of those headaches a few weeks ago. Scary as hell and thought I would rather die than deal with the pain.
Hope you're feeling better soon. The citrus blossoms are blooming here, and that means I'll be miserable with allergies until the weather gets so hot it kills everything! :)
I had that happen to me about 15+ years ago. I went to the eye doc, who told me it was an optical migraine -- and that I have glaucoma. They're totally unrelated but I wouldn't have seen the eye doc without the migraine, so I wouldn't have been diagnosed without it.
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